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Top Half, Bottom Half Clothing

Top Half, Bottom Half Clothing

Rack of clothes

Zoom meetings have started a new conversation as to what we wear when working in our own homes. How well do you dress your top half? Do you wear real pants? (Please do.) Or dress to disappoint with pyjamas, sweats, or boxers on the bottom? If so, DON’T! When on video, if by chance you have to reach for anything, you might give your colleagues the sight of their life.

When dressing your top half, proper shirts, blouses, sweaters and such are essential because your effort is immediately visible if you’re on screen. A simple button-up or floral blouse takes you from looking frumpy to (almost) entirely put together. If you’ve toned down your makeup routine during quarantine (though a red lipstick will make any outfit look immediately polished), then a quick way to appear fresh-faced on camera is to use ice water on your face for 4–5 minutes before your call.

If you engage in more traditional type conference calls, well, I suppose you have a limitless choice. However, I caution you to make sure that you sit up straight, smile, and comb your hair. Slouchiness can translate to laziness.

You’re leading this meeting, right? Make it a PowerMOVE.