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The Vibes Don’t Lie!

The Vibes Don’t Lie!

By JoJo Marie Schillaci

Motivational Speaker & Author of My Missing Peace

Have you ever come back from a funeral and wanted to go to bed? Have you spent time with family only to feel like you’ve been hit by a truck? Or have you felt down in the dumps and then spent time with a favourite friend and felt a positive shift?…You’re not alone!

These are examples of the impact of energy. We, as humans are energy, and everything surrounding us is also energy; what we see, taste, smell, hear and touch. Our 5 basic human senses carry critical information to our brains, helping us understand the perceived world surrounding us, but they also carry energy. Everything has a vibration, an energetic signature. So, as important as it is for us to manage our thoughts, we should never discount our other senses, which are continually absorbing and sending positive or negative charges throughout our entire being.

We all have that friend, family member or co-worker that thrives on complaining, always focusing conversations on the negative and looking at the glass as half empty. When with them, we feel drained, exhausted and depleted. Sometimes it’s so intense, that we need to take a nap. The term “you bring me down” has a very real and literal meaning. The “low” we are experiencing is the result of being exposed to their low energetic vibration. As it is naturally absorbed into our bodies, it begins to have a negative effect on our energy. Conversely, we also know that person that’s always upbeat, looking at the glass as half full; sending a current through us that makes us feel happy; spending time with them is a joy and we jump at the opportunity!  As we absorb their positive energy, our cells react in a positive way because our energy field is like a sponge, absorbing the vibration of both people and things surrounding us.

Let’s use the previous example of going to a funeral. A funeral is a heavy and sombre occasion as the emotion of grief has a very low vibration. Our senses take in all the events’ images, scents, and sounds. The longer our senses are exposed to the low vibration, the more prone we will be to physical symptoms of fatigue and lethargy. We may even begin feeling emotional depletion as the “energetic low” begins to take its toll.  Now, think about how differently we would feel if we were at a party with our closest friends. The room is full of laughter, people are singing, and we feel elation with enough energy to dance the night away. This is the result of surrounding ourselves with people who are expressing happiness and joy, emotions that vibrate on a much higher frequency. We begin to feel pumped, excited and energized because we are experiencing an “energetic high”. The term “high vibing” has been coined to describe just this.

Energy can also be transferred from things, for example, food. Think about consuming packaged vegetables produced in a country that may not have environmental standards, treats its workers poorly, and cuts production costs by using nutrient-deficient ingredients. We then purchase at a big box store that specializes in selling mass-produced products in a cement warehouse, void of any natural elements. We are not only consuming the food but the vibration of all of the circumstances from the thoughts, people and environment that product came in contact with.

Now, let’s consider eating vegetables from a local organic farmer. He has grown a small quality crop with a high nutritional value, cultivating his vegetables with love and respect for the land and passion to provide the best product possible. He sells his food in outdoor farmers’ markets and supports and gives back to his community. Just as with the mass-produced packaged item, we will consume the energy and experiences that food has come in contact with. Which food do you think is going to have more positive energy? Which food will have a higher vibrational frequency, and which one is going to have a more positive impact on our bodies?

The vibrations around us and within us create our reality in each moment and it is our responsibility to be aware and choose wisely. Perhaps it’s time to bring awareness to our choices and the choices we make each day. Take note of how you feel when around certain people as well as places. Do your choices cultivate a feeling of balance and peace? Do you feel depleted or anxious? Do you feel renewed and energized? Once we bring awareness, we gain knowledge and with that comes the ability to make better choices and set the stage to live our best lives.

Remember to be gentle with yourself. It’s always about taking small, but steady steps forward by making small, yet powerful changes each day. Don’t get overwhelmed, just keep taking that next right step…it simply begins with you!